We did Long Run on Monday. All I can say is that I'm proud of myself because I actually ran all but about 1 minute of the 62 minutes it took to get around the lake. Thats 3.6 miles around the lake.
It sucks because my calves have been sore since I did that, but they just need to get over it. I also dislocated my shoulder sleeping wrong and now its been super sore! Really? I can't have a good story for it even!
Its been a tough month because I haven't been sleeping. I also changed birth control and it has more hormones so I have been eating like a crazy person. I really think that not sleeping affects my eating habits too. I think there are two factors to that: not feeling motivated to plan and also making me crave more carbs.
I think carbs have been my biggest challenge. I need some helpful hints on how to get the carb craving gone while still eating well.
I think that this next month I am going to do weight watchers points so that i can keep up with it more easily and hopefully cut down on my portions. Eating correctly has always been a problem for me and I know that I can do it; I think I just keep self sabotaging. My brain is getting the best of me.
For the PT test today, I did worse than I had before in time but I did jog the entire mile. I have never done that in my entire life!
Here are my stats:
-time for 1 mile 15:04
-5 regular pushups (one more than last time)
-20 facilitated
-26 sit ups (2 more than last month)
-29 dips (6 less than last month; but my shoulder sucks)
So here is to next month and working my ass off to lose more weight and inches and gain strength!!! I'll put my weight in whenever I get the courage to do that!