So we have had 2 days of running up the hill by the library, if you are a bootcamper you know exactly what I am talking about. Its the hill that pisses me off every day. Well yesterday we did commissary list which consists of running a lap then doing an exercise while your partner is doing the lap. Then today we did the relay races and had to sprint like a crazy person up that same hill. Its horrible but I have made it.
Tomorrow is PT day. I am concerned but hopefully I will do well. Last month's mile was 1406 and I want to get down to 13:45. I don't know exactly how to do it, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make myself throw up. Good times!
I'm gonna be crazy this next week because I have so much planned.
Rant warning:
Why do people constantly think that honesty is a bad thing? I tell people the truth. I don't know how to censor obviously and it freaks people out. I guess that is going to have to be a goal of mine. Who knows.
Also, how do you know if your fears are legitimate? How do you try to trust someone when you have never had a good track record? Can you really start over and leave the baggage behind?
There are a lot of people who say "let go and let God", but how do you do that? Can I put myself out of the decision making and allow it all to be God? Would life be that much easier? I'm sure it would be....anyways off to shower and to work!
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