Monday, April 16, 2012

Booty Rocking everywhere!

Haha, that video is hilarious, but it was in my head all day with the booty blast work out this day!  And now I think I am stuck on the couch because it hurts!!  Dori did a great job with the little bands that kick your butt!!

So here is the start to a new week.  This week is going to be hell for me because we have 6 rehearsals until we open in front of an audience.  I'm gonna have to cancel my social life and sleep as much as possible.

Here is the low down on my life:

-Men suck (but what is new): I have now officially decided that they are too much trouble to be worrying about then during this time of change.  I mean I have enough on my plate without trying to add one more to everything.  The ones I like aren't worth it anyways because they just like to play games ("Quit Playing Games with My Heart"-Backstreet boys; oh yea running through my head)!!  It got to the point this weekend that I was dumb and actually tried to let one get between me and my friends!

-Theater is ridiculous!!:   I am stage managing a play and I think we can bring it all together but it is going to be a long hard week to get there.  A lot of people have been out the last week and it is very frustrating because its hard to run things when not everyone is on stage.  I'm also not very happy with some people because they decide to exclude people.  I'll deal with that person separately and ignore those negative vibes I am getting.

-Work seems to be getting good: Last week they decided to assign me 6 more cases which makes me happy because I have been worried about money for a while and it will help me get to my goal: Paying off the car and moving out of the parents after saving money

-Bootcamp rocks!!!!!!

I've been doing this for 2.5 months now and I am finally able to see where I have come.  I'm actually wanting to work out on my days off and I am getting to the point that its automatic to make the better choice.  Which Waffle House = no good choices on the menu!!!  I know I was there on Saturday night and the only redeeming quality to that choice was I immediately dance it off!!  On Friday and Saturday my workout of choice was dancing!!  My calves hate me for wearing stilletos 2 days in a row!

Yesterday I ran 0.8 miles without stopping which was extreme because my calves hate me!  Then we walked 1 more mile and jogged 0.2 miles again to get the full mile run in.  I was super proud of myself and then I ate "Its Greek to Me" pizza from partners (only 1.5 pieces; which is a good choice).  The pizza is meat free and super veggie loaded (you have to use a fork and can't pick it up until you are almost to the crust).  

Today I was staying with the group and I don't know if I was the last camper or not!! My hard work is pushing it and making me so much stronger.  Also, more and more people keep asking me about Bootcamp and I am trying to get as many as possible for friend day!  People that I don't really talk to and that is awesome that someone actually reads this thing and is motivated by it.

We are doing this weight loss challenge and I have no idea how I am doing because I am scared to get on the scale!  Hopefully it goes well!!!

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